Sunday, 24 May 2015

Save the children India - Child labour

We strongly feel against the issue of Child Labor. It violates the rights of children, especially the right to education and development. Moreover, working at a young age has many adverse and direct consequences on these children. They are deprived of their right to education and they are also deprived of their free mental, physical, psychological and spiritual growth owing to hazardous nature of their work and over work that is not compatible with their age. As a whole it can be said that these children are deprived of their childhood itself.
Children, as one of the most vulnerable groups in society, should be afforded our highest standards of duty and care. The childhood period is vital because of socialization process by the transmission of attitude, custom, and behavior through the influence of the family and community, children are vulnerable to disease, death, and disability owing to their age, sex, place of living, social economic status and a host of other variables.
The conditions in which children work is completely unregulated and they are often made to work without food, and very low wages, resembling situations of slavery. There are cases of physical, sexual and emotional abuse of child domestic workers. The argument for domestic work is often that families have placed their children in these homes for care and employment.
Millions of school-age children worldwide are not in school, leaving them vulnerable to abuse, neglect or exploitation. It is the need of the hour to support programs that promote children’s rights and fight child labor.

Child labor creates and perpetuates poverty. Most of the people belonging to the lowest strata of society in India have a fatalist and submissive attitude towards life. A lot of conditions combine to push these children into working as child labors, which exert physical, social and psychological stress and hamper the overall development of these children who fall prey to this evil practice of Child Labor. Living up to our reputation of being the best NGO in Noida, we would keep putting our efforts in restoring smiles to the faces of the underprivileged children. 

Saturday, 23 May 2015

A girl's right to say no to child marriage

Child marriage is an appalling violation of human rights. Every year 15 million girls are married before the age of 18, denied their rights of their education, health and long term prospects. That is 28 girls every minute – married off too soon, endangering their personal development and well being.  A girl who is married as a child is one whose potential will not be fulfilled. Since many parents and communities also want the very best daughters, we must work together and end child marriage. If we do nothing, by 2030 an estimated 15.4 million girls a year will marry as children. There are various reasons behind this child marriage, such as:
1.       Traditions
2.       Gender roles
3.       Security
4.       Poverty
Now, we should think what we are doing to end child marriage. Every 2 sec a young girl is forced to marriage. Be the part of generation that changes that. End child marriage once and for all. 

Solutions to end child marriage 

There are five evidence-based strategies identified by ICRW to delay or prevent child marriage: 
Ø      Empower girls with information, skills and support networks.
Ø     Provide economic support and incentives to girls and their families
Ø     Educate and rally parents and community members
Ø     Enhance girls' access to a high-quality education
Ø       Encourage supportive laws and policies. In order for the next generation of development programs to make ending child marriage a priority, policymakers must pay attention to these strategies while continuing to test innovative approaches and evaluation techniques.
ICRW collaborates with partners to ensure that global development programs and policies help improve the lives of women and girls around the world. We work with foundations, corporations, nonprofits and multilateral and bilateral groups worldwide to turn good intentions into action.
Let’s motivate and inspire each other to end child marriage today!