Thursday, 25 June 2015

Let’s defeat hunger !

Hunger is one the most dangerous issue of the present time. Millions of people are falling victims to the evil of hunger. This is a global issue which needs immediate attention or else it would become a highly uncontrolled threat to the population of many countries.
India is also one of those countries where the dark shadow of hunger affects almost half of the population. Though there have been several campaigns launched by the government in order to deal with this problem but nothing has shown positive results. Even a number of subsidies, offered to the underprivileged people, are also majorly turning out to be of no use. Maybe the reason behind all this is corruption, but that is entirely a different issue.
It is high time for us to realize that we must come up with something effective in order to curb the problem of hunger. We must understand that the nation will progress only when the people of that nation will prosper and progress. The problem of hunger is indirectly related to rise in crime because more and more people turn to criminal activities in order to support themselves and their families.

Being the Best NGO in Noida, we are trying our best to make a difference in the society by fighting the problem of hunger.  

Friday, 5 June 2015

Poverty solutions : Educate the poor

The saddening truth is that half of the world’s population still lives in extreme poverty. We need to step up and put in our best efforts to lend a helping hand to these people, so that they can lead a decent and fulfilling life. Education has vital role to play in such efforts. It has become the need of the hour to spread awareness among the masses that education plays a crucial role in eliminating the severe problem of poverty. 
Education is the only way to help these people to develop the required skills through which they can earn their livelihood. This would enable them to move towards a more secure life. This way education can help in uplifting the living standard of these underprivileged people and it would also make them aware about their fundamental rights, as this would ensure that they don’t get exploited at the hands of cunning elements of the society. We must be clear that without education poverty reduction is not possible at all.
 Being termed as the best NGO of Uttar Pradesh, it is our responsibility to bring this sensitive issue to the notice of all so that people would understand the importance of education and this way it can play its full part in helping the world achieve poverty eradication. We believe that all children need the chance to complete not only primary school but also lower secondary school.