Monday, 13 July 2015

Education : The Key in Child Development

Pratha foundation

Child development refers to the emotional, biological and mental transformations that take place in a human being between the period of birth and the end of teens. The aspects of Child development comprises of physical growth, cognitive/intellectual development, social-emotional development, language, sequential skill development in learning to talk, individual differences and more.
Education in childhood plays a vital role in laying success in school for a child. The child gets all set for reading, writing, calculation etc. once he steps into the learning process. It also helps in building high level of confidence at early stage.  Undoubtedly education is an important resort to lead a better life because it allows a person to earn bread and butter for his life. It creates awareness on the matter of healthcare and sanitation, human rights and helps a person in becoming a better citizen.
Pratha Foundation, NGO based in Uttar Pradesh, undertakes a welfare program namely Mission Education, which emphasizes on basic education for underprivileged children and youth. It believes that there’s no suitable place to start than in the hallways of education. You can lend your kind support by associating with Pratha Foundation and donating your bit for the welfare of deprived children.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Let’s defeat hunger !

Hunger is one the most dangerous issue of the present time. Millions of people are falling victims to the evil of hunger. This is a global issue which needs immediate attention or else it would become a highly uncontrolled threat to the population of many countries.
India is also one of those countries where the dark shadow of hunger affects almost half of the population. Though there have been several campaigns launched by the government in order to deal with this problem but nothing has shown positive results. Even a number of subsidies, offered to the underprivileged people, are also majorly turning out to be of no use. Maybe the reason behind all this is corruption, but that is entirely a different issue.
It is high time for us to realize that we must come up with something effective in order to curb the problem of hunger. We must understand that the nation will progress only when the people of that nation will prosper and progress. The problem of hunger is indirectly related to rise in crime because more and more people turn to criminal activities in order to support themselves and their families.

Being the Best NGO in Noida, we are trying our best to make a difference in the society by fighting the problem of hunger.  

Friday, 5 June 2015

Poverty solutions : Educate the poor

The saddening truth is that half of the world’s population still lives in extreme poverty. We need to step up and put in our best efforts to lend a helping hand to these people, so that they can lead a decent and fulfilling life. Education has vital role to play in such efforts. It has become the need of the hour to spread awareness among the masses that education plays a crucial role in eliminating the severe problem of poverty. 
Education is the only way to help these people to develop the required skills through which they can earn their livelihood. This would enable them to move towards a more secure life. This way education can help in uplifting the living standard of these underprivileged people and it would also make them aware about their fundamental rights, as this would ensure that they don’t get exploited at the hands of cunning elements of the society. We must be clear that without education poverty reduction is not possible at all.
 Being termed as the best NGO of Uttar Pradesh, it is our responsibility to bring this sensitive issue to the notice of all so that people would understand the importance of education and this way it can play its full part in helping the world achieve poverty eradication. We believe that all children need the chance to complete not only primary school but also lower secondary school.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Save the children India - Child labour

We strongly feel against the issue of Child Labor. It violates the rights of children, especially the right to education and development. Moreover, working at a young age has many adverse and direct consequences on these children. They are deprived of their right to education and they are also deprived of their free mental, physical, psychological and spiritual growth owing to hazardous nature of their work and over work that is not compatible with their age. As a whole it can be said that these children are deprived of their childhood itself.
Children, as one of the most vulnerable groups in society, should be afforded our highest standards of duty and care. The childhood period is vital because of socialization process by the transmission of attitude, custom, and behavior through the influence of the family and community, children are vulnerable to disease, death, and disability owing to their age, sex, place of living, social economic status and a host of other variables.
The conditions in which children work is completely unregulated and they are often made to work without food, and very low wages, resembling situations of slavery. There are cases of physical, sexual and emotional abuse of child domestic workers. The argument for domestic work is often that families have placed their children in these homes for care and employment.
Millions of school-age children worldwide are not in school, leaving them vulnerable to abuse, neglect or exploitation. It is the need of the hour to support programs that promote children’s rights and fight child labor.

Child labor creates and perpetuates poverty. Most of the people belonging to the lowest strata of society in India have a fatalist and submissive attitude towards life. A lot of conditions combine to push these children into working as child labors, which exert physical, social and psychological stress and hamper the overall development of these children who fall prey to this evil practice of Child Labor. Living up to our reputation of being the best NGO in Noida, we would keep putting our efforts in restoring smiles to the faces of the underprivileged children. 

Saturday, 23 May 2015

A girl's right to say no to child marriage

Child marriage is an appalling violation of human rights. Every year 15 million girls are married before the age of 18, denied their rights of their education, health and long term prospects. That is 28 girls every minute – married off too soon, endangering their personal development and well being.  A girl who is married as a child is one whose potential will not be fulfilled. Since many parents and communities also want the very best daughters, we must work together and end child marriage. If we do nothing, by 2030 an estimated 15.4 million girls a year will marry as children. There are various reasons behind this child marriage, such as:
1.       Traditions
2.       Gender roles
3.       Security
4.       Poverty
Now, we should think what we are doing to end child marriage. Every 2 sec a young girl is forced to marriage. Be the part of generation that changes that. End child marriage once and for all. 

Solutions to end child marriage 

There are five evidence-based strategies identified by ICRW to delay or prevent child marriage: 
Ø      Empower girls with information, skills and support networks.
Ø     Provide economic support and incentives to girls and their families
Ø     Educate and rally parents and community members
Ø     Enhance girls' access to a high-quality education
Ø       Encourage supportive laws and policies. In order for the next generation of development programs to make ending child marriage a priority, policymakers must pay attention to these strategies while continuing to test innovative approaches and evaluation techniques.
ICRW collaborates with partners to ensure that global development programs and policies help improve the lives of women and girls around the world. We work with foundations, corporations, nonprofits and multilateral and bilateral groups worldwide to turn good intentions into action.
Let’s motivate and inspire each other to end child marriage today!

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Pratha Foundation | Role of NGO in Environment Protection

Human beings are the ecologically dominant species in the whole ecosystem. Although they have the same need for heat, light, water and food that other species have, they alone posses’ attributes that give them dominance over other living species. Thus, human beings compete far more successfully than all other living creatures. Today we come across various non-governmental organizations whose concerns are focused on various areas such as social issues, health issues, and environmental issues. Non-Governmental Organization is a broad term, which includes charity organizations, advisory committees and various other professional organizations. NGOs in India are spread across the country and they have close contacts with communities. A Non-Governmental Organization is a social service organization working towards a better society. True to its name, ‘ perseveres to bring in a positive change by uniting people who share the common vision of a developed India, and pay back to the society which helped us. All big missions have humble beginnings and so is ‘is endeavor. NGOs perform a variety of service and humanitarian functions, bring citizens concerns to the government, advocate and monitor policies and encourage political participation through provisions of information. 
There are large number of NGOs in India and other countries that are exclusively working for environmental, protection, conservation, and awareness. The number of these non-governmental organizations which are actively involved in environmental protection in our country is, in fact more than in any of the developing country. Increasingly, the government is viewing NGOs not only as agencies that will help them to implement their programs, but also as partners shaping policy and programs.
There is NGO PrathaFoundation that has been working in the rural & urban slums for the last 2 years and has made in roads into rural & urban development in the state. 

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

NGO- Alternative way to Humanity

NGO are the non profit organizations established for the welfare of the general public. As we are all aware, India's rural regions are still lagging behind its urban parts, in terms of development. 
The term and conditions is usually applicable only to organizations that pursue some wider social aim that has political aspects, but that are not overtly political organizations such as political parties. For an NGO in India, life is not at all easy as its mode of operations is often tested by adverse socio-political factors. Many NGOs across the nation are currently trying to improve the lives of villagers. A major portion of the attention goes into monitoring whether the poor and unemployed people are getting benefits from governmental schemes and policies. A major portion of the attention goes into monitoring whether the poor and unemployed people are getting benefits from governmental schemes and policies. Compared to other progressing nations of its rank, rural development or child education NGO in India in India has been quite slow. Until the beginning of the last decade, villages were nothing but burdens on the whole nation. But now, with good water supply and electricity flowing into the most remote villages too, the dream of a developed nation is not far away. The role of the NGOs in this work is really appreciable as they have made possible what governmental organisations could not.
The countless effects of having are NGOs in India. When there is a will there is a way there have been many figure pulled against the Indian NGOs; the sensibility of the requirement of the NGOs in India is very important emerging with government support in order to improve the better living of the common people.
There is one of Best NGO inNoida i.e Pratha Foundation. Pratha foundation has been working in the rural & urban slums for the last 2 years and has made in roads into rural & urban development. PRATHA FOUNDATION has been collaborating with foreign donor agencies, corporate, national donor agencies both governmental and non-governmental towards making meaningful interventions for the cause of poor and needy sections of the society. An NGO is thus an important apparatus for rural development in India as well as children education NGO in India. 
We hope that rural India will definitely wake up to a brighter tomorrow. Joy of giving global foundation is a NGO that works for human well fare.