Monday, 13 July 2015

Education : The Key in Child Development

Pratha foundation

Child development refers to the emotional, biological and mental transformations that take place in a human being between the period of birth and the end of teens. The aspects of Child development comprises of physical growth, cognitive/intellectual development, social-emotional development, language, sequential skill development in learning to talk, individual differences and more.
Education in childhood plays a vital role in laying success in school for a child. The child gets all set for reading, writing, calculation etc. once he steps into the learning process. It also helps in building high level of confidence at early stage.  Undoubtedly education is an important resort to lead a better life because it allows a person to earn bread and butter for his life. It creates awareness on the matter of healthcare and sanitation, human rights and helps a person in becoming a better citizen.
Pratha Foundation, NGO based in Uttar Pradesh, undertakes a welfare program namely Mission Education, which emphasizes on basic education for underprivileged children and youth. It believes that there’s no suitable place to start than in the hallways of education. You can lend your kind support by associating with Pratha Foundation and donating your bit for the welfare of deprived children.

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